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Thursday, 30 October 2014

How to Workout While You Work?

Bob Harper is known for his TV show "The Biggest Loser". He partnered up with MSN and created this online workout program to help you loose weight while you are at the office. This program was created for those who work at the office and the only workout they get is sitting or standing at their desk, and the walking distance from your car to the house or work. Bob shows you how to target certain areas while sitting or standing at your desk at work, and gives you advice on what to eat for lunch at work every day.
First of all let us start with the lunchbox. He has created a website where you can put in different food items and it will give you a calorie, carbohydrates and other nutrient count. You can add or remove items from the list to see combinations give you different calorie count.
The descriptions however are basic, so it might say ham sandwich but it will not give you a proper calorie count if you add cheese, lettuce and tomatoes to it. It is however a very helpful guide, as most people do not know how to calculate their daily calorie intake. The results of eating one healthy meal a day will show over time. This online program does not cost a thing and it gives you a variety of healthy lunch ideas that you can make instead of eating out.
There are also exercise videos on the website which shows Bob doing some workout, so that you can see how it is done properly. The downside of this website is that the virtual lunchbox is very basic and does not account for the extras that you will put in your lunch, which is where the wasted calories are usually hidden. Another downside is that some of the exercises do not allow time for workout during the workdays.
There are about 22 videos available online, which are about 5 minutes long. These videos show Bob visiting offices and doing the exercises with the employees to show how easy it is to do. The exercises target different areas, some are done sitting while others are done standing up. A lot of workers don't get a lot of workout during the day; therefore this workout in the office gives them a metabolism boost while burning few extra calories than they normally would daily. These workouts can be done individually or with the whole office getting in on the action.
To conclude this office program is free, although you do have to create an account. This workout can help you lose weight while at work by giving you calorie counts of your mid day meal. It goes without saying that the other meals should also be healthy so that this workout program can be more effective. This workout gives you a metabolism boost so it can be seen as your mid afternoon wake up call. You can always accelerate the workout program by going for a walk after having your lunch.

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