Bob Harper is known for his TV show "The Biggest Loser". He partnered up with MSN and created this online workout program to help you loose weight while you are at the office. This program was created for those who work at the office and the only workout they get is sitting or standing at their desk, and the walking distance from your car to the house or work. Bob shows you how to target certain areas while sitting or standing at your desk at work, and gives you advice on what to eat for lunch at work every day.
First of all let us start with the lunchbox. He has created a website where you can put in different food items and it will give you a calorie, carbohydrates and other nutrient count. You can add or remove items from the list to see combinations give you different calorie count.
The descriptions however are basic, so it might say ham sandwich but it will not give you a proper calorie count if you add cheese, lettuce and tomatoes to it. It is however a very helpful guide, as most people do not know how to calculate their daily calorie intake. The results of eating one healthy meal a day will show over time. This online program does not cost a thing and it gives you a variety of healthy lunch ideas that you can make instead of eating out.
There are also exercise videos on the website which shows Bob doing some workout, so that you can see how it is done properly. The downside of this website is that the virtual lunchbox is very basic and does not account for the extras that you will put in your lunch, which is where the wasted calories are usually hidden. Another downside is that some of the exercises do not allow time for workout during the workdays.
There are about 22 videos available online, which are about 5 minutes long. These videos show Bob visiting offices and doing the exercises with the employees to show how easy it is to do. The exercises target different areas, some are done sitting while others are done standing up. A lot of workers don't get a lot of workout during the day; therefore this workout in the office gives them a metabolism boost while burning few extra calories than they normally would daily. These workouts can be done individually or with the whole office getting in on the action.
To conclude this office program is free, although you do have to create an account. This workout can help you lose weight while at work by giving you calorie counts of your mid day meal. It goes without saying that the other meals should also be healthy so that this workout program can be more effective. This workout gives you a metabolism boost so it can be seen as your mid afternoon wake up call. You can always accelerate the workout program by going for a walk after having your lunch.
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Thursday, 30 October 2014
The Advantages of a Step Aerobic Workout
It seems that every time you turn on the T.V, there's a new exercise system being promoted. Whether it's a piece of expensive equipment or the latest in a series of dance videos, they all claim to know the secret for burning more calories and building a buff body.
The truth is you don't need complicated workout systems or expensive exercise equipment to get a great workout. Simple is sometimes better when it comes to fitness workouts. One of the most effective fitness formulas for working out at home is a step aerobic workout. What are the advantages of using a step workout system?
Step workout system: Step aerobics requires little investment
To get an effective step aerobic workout, you won't spend hundreds of dollars on a treadmill or elliptical machine that takes up space. All you'll need is a step platform and comfortable pair of aerobic shoes.
Step workout system: Step aerobics requires little room
To do an effective step aerobic workout, you need a small space for your platform and a firm surface for stepping. If you'll be using a step workout DVD, you'll need space in front of a television screen. Almost any room that has a television can be adapted for a successful step workout.
Step workout system: You can adapt it to challenge yourself more and you get fit
You can easily modify your step aerobics workout by changing the step height or adding hand weights or a weight vest as you step. Most step platforms can be adjusted to give a four inch, six inch, or eight inch height by simply adding an additional layer.
As you increase the step height, you'll work harder and challenge yourself more. Step platforms range in price from $30.00 to $130.00. There's no need to buy an expensive model as long as you choose one that's adjustable, non-skid, and is designed to support your weight.
Step workout system: Excellent cardiovascular benefits
While a step workout system is effective and easy-to-implement, it's important to take precautions to avoid injury. Always follow the suggestions for safe stepping at the beginning of each step workout and you'll get a fun and effective workout that'll pay off in the form of a slimmer, trimmer you!
The truth is you don't need complicated workout systems or expensive exercise equipment to get a great workout. Simple is sometimes better when it comes to fitness workouts. One of the most effective fitness formulas for working out at home is a step aerobic workout. What are the advantages of using a step workout system?
Step workout system: Step aerobics requires little investment
To get an effective step aerobic workout, you won't spend hundreds of dollars on a treadmill or elliptical machine that takes up space. All you'll need is a step platform and comfortable pair of aerobic shoes.
Step workout system: Step aerobics requires little room
To do an effective step aerobic workout, you need a small space for your platform and a firm surface for stepping. If you'll be using a step workout DVD, you'll need space in front of a television screen. Almost any room that has a television can be adapted for a successful step workout.
Step workout system: You can adapt it to challenge yourself more and you get fit
You can easily modify your step aerobics workout by changing the step height or adding hand weights or a weight vest as you step. Most step platforms can be adjusted to give a four inch, six inch, or eight inch height by simply adding an additional layer.
As you increase the step height, you'll work harder and challenge yourself more. Step platforms range in price from $30.00 to $130.00. There's no need to buy an expensive model as long as you choose one that's adjustable, non-skid, and is designed to support your weight.
Step workout system: Excellent cardiovascular benefits
While a step workout system is effective and easy-to-implement, it's important to take precautions to avoid injury. Always follow the suggestions for safe stepping at the beginning of each step workout and you'll get a fun and effective workout that'll pay off in the form of a slimmer, trimmer you!
Sample workout that you can use
Here is a sample workout that you can use if you're just starting MMA: sets x reps
Anaerobic MMA workout: power clean 2x5, deadlift 3x5, high swing 3x5, good morning 3x8
Aerobic workout: moderate cardio for 5 minutes immediately preceding and proceeding the anaerobic portion.
Anaerobic MMA workout: full squat 3x6, barbell lunges 3x8, overhead squat 3x4, snatch 2x5, reverse hyperextension 3x8
Aerobic workout: moderate cardio for 5 minutes immediately preceding and proceeding the anaerobic portion.
Anaerobic MMA workout: None
Aerobic workout: 5 mile jog or 15 mile bike ride
Anaerobic MMA workout: pull up 3xfailure, bent over row 3x8, power straight 2xfailure, hyperextension 2x15, incline sit ups 3x20, dumbbell snatches 3x5, shoulder press 3x8
Aerobic workout: moderate cardio for 5 minutes immediately preceding and proceeding the anaerobic portion.
Anaerobic MMA workout: None
Aerobic workout: 5 mile job or 15 mile bike ride
Remember that MMA is not just about power. Skill still does play a part, but that part might not be as significant as you once thought. Train hard and workout consistently, you'll see strength and preformance gains in no time. You'll be surprised by how quickly your conditioning can sky rocket if you get into the right workout plan
Anaerobic MMA workout: power clean 2x5, deadlift 3x5, high swing 3x5, good morning 3x8
Aerobic workout: moderate cardio for 5 minutes immediately preceding and proceeding the anaerobic portion.
Anaerobic MMA workout: full squat 3x6, barbell lunges 3x8, overhead squat 3x4, snatch 2x5, reverse hyperextension 3x8
Aerobic workout: moderate cardio for 5 minutes immediately preceding and proceeding the anaerobic portion.
Anaerobic MMA workout: None
Aerobic workout: 5 mile jog or 15 mile bike ride
Anaerobic MMA workout: pull up 3xfailure, bent over row 3x8, power straight 2xfailure, hyperextension 2x15, incline sit ups 3x20, dumbbell snatches 3x5, shoulder press 3x8
Aerobic workout: moderate cardio for 5 minutes immediately preceding and proceeding the anaerobic portion.
Anaerobic MMA workout: None
Aerobic workout: 5 mile job or 15 mile bike ride
Remember that MMA is not just about power. Skill still does play a part, but that part might not be as significant as you once thought. Train hard and workout consistently, you'll see strength and preformance gains in no time. You'll be surprised by how quickly your conditioning can sky rocket if you get into the right workout plan
MMA Conditioning Workout
MMA, which stands for mixed martial arts, is a relatively new sport that is just starting to get real athletic talent. The problem with the sport early on was that few athletes grew up learning martial arts or training how to compete in MMA, so the really athletic people were at a severe disadvantage when fighting against highly skilled fighters. They may have had better conditioning workouts, but the other guys knew how to execute chokes and knew how to strike much more effectively. Now that everyone knows what MMA is all about, conditioning workouts have become much more important than they once were.
The reason for this is that the skill gap is starting to close - people know most of the disciplines involved in MMA, so they are at least able to defend and execute attacks to significant effect. So what's the best workout to get great conditioning for MMA? Well, you'll have to realize that it varies from person to person, but you'll want to focus on high intensity cardio and you'll want to increase your anabolic conditioning. The best way to do this is to use primarily power exercises when training.
Some examples of power exercises that are useful for MMA are: overhead squat, power cleans, snatches, push-pulls, and a whole slew of plyometrics, including depth push ups, box jumps, depth jumps, and lateral jumps. All of these will push your conditioning to its limits. You can combine some of these exercises with other ones to even further condition yourself - consider a clean and press. That's a great exercise that'll put a ton of strain on your body.
Few more workouts that you might want to consider: upright row, bent over row, shoulder press, deadlift, squat, and shrugs. These are not power exercises per say, but they will build great strength and power in multiple muscles throughout your body. Remember the key is to make your workout as versatile as possible. The more you shock your body, the better your workout will be. Since most of an MMA fight is done in an anaerobic state, we'll focus on heavy lifts to do that.
The reason for this is that the skill gap is starting to close - people know most of the disciplines involved in MMA, so they are at least able to defend and execute attacks to significant effect. So what's the best workout to get great conditioning for MMA? Well, you'll have to realize that it varies from person to person, but you'll want to focus on high intensity cardio and you'll want to increase your anabolic conditioning. The best way to do this is to use primarily power exercises when training.
Some examples of power exercises that are useful for MMA are: overhead squat, power cleans, snatches, push-pulls, and a whole slew of plyometrics, including depth push ups, box jumps, depth jumps, and lateral jumps. All of these will push your conditioning to its limits. You can combine some of these exercises with other ones to even further condition yourself - consider a clean and press. That's a great exercise that'll put a ton of strain on your body.
Few more workouts that you might want to consider: upright row, bent over row, shoulder press, deadlift, squat, and shrugs. These are not power exercises per say, but they will build great strength and power in multiple muscles throughout your body. Remember the key is to make your workout as versatile as possible. The more you shock your body, the better your workout will be. Since most of an MMA fight is done in an anaerobic state, we'll focus on heavy lifts to do that.
How Tough Should Your Aerobics Workout Be?
Aerobics are great for losing weight and staying healthy because they strengthen your breathing and heart as well as help you burn fat. However, many people don't know or understand how to do an aerobics workout in order to best maximize the results. Intensity is a very important aspect of any aerobics workout, so if you want to get the most out of your aerobics, make sure that you're following these three rules.
First, find that intensity that is your sweet spot. If you work out too intensely, you may injure yourself or will not see results. However, if you don't work out intensely enough, you will lose any weight or grow stronger. Therefore, you have to work with a program that has just the right intensity for your. When trying new exercises, try to make sure that they include enough weights or speed to make the workout hard, but not impossible. Remember also that you will need to re-work the intensity of your workout as your tolerance and endurance increases, so take a look at your routine every week or two and make necessary changes.
The second rule is to intensity and your workout is to be safe. Over training is a huge problem because it puts you and those around you in danger. When you under train, you see no results, which may push you intensify. That's good, but too much and you'll be vomiting before the workout is over and possibly injuring yourself. If you are training properly, your muscles should be sore, but your joints should not.
Never do an intense exercise in which you cannot control your form or breathing. Instead, take breaks and use lower weights or speed to get back on track. This method will help you get more out of your workout anyway. In any case, if you are injured during a workout, call for help immediately from those around you. It is a good idea to workout with a partner or to at least let someone know that you're working out in case anything happens to you.
Lastly, build intensity instead of jumping into the deep end. When you are starting to exercise, you won't be able to suddenly run the Boston marathon! Building up slowly will help prevent injury, as talking about in the second step, but it can also help you to not get frustrated. If you slowly build up your aerobics routine, you'll be able to find success more readily.
First, find that intensity that is your sweet spot. If you work out too intensely, you may injure yourself or will not see results. However, if you don't work out intensely enough, you will lose any weight or grow stronger. Therefore, you have to work with a program that has just the right intensity for your. When trying new exercises, try to make sure that they include enough weights or speed to make the workout hard, but not impossible. Remember also that you will need to re-work the intensity of your workout as your tolerance and endurance increases, so take a look at your routine every week or two and make necessary changes.
The second rule is to intensity and your workout is to be safe. Over training is a huge problem because it puts you and those around you in danger. When you under train, you see no results, which may push you intensify. That's good, but too much and you'll be vomiting before the workout is over and possibly injuring yourself. If you are training properly, your muscles should be sore, but your joints should not.
Never do an intense exercise in which you cannot control your form or breathing. Instead, take breaks and use lower weights or speed to get back on track. This method will help you get more out of your workout anyway. In any case, if you are injured during a workout, call for help immediately from those around you. It is a good idea to workout with a partner or to at least let someone know that you're working out in case anything happens to you.
Lastly, build intensity instead of jumping into the deep end. When you are starting to exercise, you won't be able to suddenly run the Boston marathon! Building up slowly will help prevent injury, as talking about in the second step, but it can also help you to not get frustrated. If you slowly build up your aerobics routine, you'll be able to find success more readily.
Music for Cardiovascular Workout Training
Ramp It Up
Once you're warm, it's time to move on to some workout music that will really get your blood pumping. You can use this time to run, to march in place, to jump around, or even to dance! To keep yourself pushing hard while building endurance, this is a great time to do what's called "interval training." That means alternating periods of very intense aerobic activity like running with periods of gentler, lower-intensity movement like walking.
To naturally build intervals into your workout music, just alternate very fast songs with slightly slower songs. You'll switch back and forth between high and low intensity without even noticing! For high intensity workout music, try Kylie Minogue, Michael Jackson, Fischerspooner, Outkast, or anything with a serious beat.
For lower intensity workout music, try Massive Attack, David Bowie, The Flaming Lips, or anything that will keep you engaged and energized while you wait for the next burst of activity. Start with twenty minutes of interval workout music. As you get more fit, challenge yourself by adding more songs to this section of your workout music mix.
Slow Down
A brief cool down will help you ease out of your workout to minimize the strain on your system, so end your workout music mix with a few songs that will encourage you to slowly return from a hard aerobic session to your normal movement pace.
Include five minutes worth of songs that are a good speed for marching in place. Start out marching quickly, and gradually slow down until your heart has stopped pumping at an elevated rate. By slowing down gently instead of stopping abruptly, you'll minimize the stress on your heart muscle.
Good workout music for this period will help you ease to a slower speed; try a bright up-tempo pop song followed by a slower rock ballad. Two songs by a favorite artist played back to back is a great way to bring the aerobic section of your workout music mix to a close; try "Holiday" and "La Isla Bonita" by Madonna.
Stretch It Out
Now the hard work is done, and it's time to luxuriate with a nice stretch and some workout music to soothe and uplift you. When you stretch, you minimize your risk of aches and muscle fatigue tomorrow, plus it will make you feel great. To mark your stretching time, add five final minutes of workout music that will leave you feeling refreshed and invigorated.
During your stretch, your brain will flood with endorphins that make you feel great, and listening to a few great tracks will help you coast on that great feeling for hours to come
Once you're warm, it's time to move on to some workout music that will really get your blood pumping. You can use this time to run, to march in place, to jump around, or even to dance! To keep yourself pushing hard while building endurance, this is a great time to do what's called "interval training." That means alternating periods of very intense aerobic activity like running with periods of gentler, lower-intensity movement like walking.
To naturally build intervals into your workout music, just alternate very fast songs with slightly slower songs. You'll switch back and forth between high and low intensity without even noticing! For high intensity workout music, try Kylie Minogue, Michael Jackson, Fischerspooner, Outkast, or anything with a serious beat.
For lower intensity workout music, try Massive Attack, David Bowie, The Flaming Lips, or anything that will keep you engaged and energized while you wait for the next burst of activity. Start with twenty minutes of interval workout music. As you get more fit, challenge yourself by adding more songs to this section of your workout music mix.
Slow Down
A brief cool down will help you ease out of your workout to minimize the strain on your system, so end your workout music mix with a few songs that will encourage you to slowly return from a hard aerobic session to your normal movement pace.
Include five minutes worth of songs that are a good speed for marching in place. Start out marching quickly, and gradually slow down until your heart has stopped pumping at an elevated rate. By slowing down gently instead of stopping abruptly, you'll minimize the stress on your heart muscle.
Good workout music for this period will help you ease to a slower speed; try a bright up-tempo pop song followed by a slower rock ballad. Two songs by a favorite artist played back to back is a great way to bring the aerobic section of your workout music mix to a close; try "Holiday" and "La Isla Bonita" by Madonna.
Stretch It Out
Now the hard work is done, and it's time to luxuriate with a nice stretch and some workout music to soothe and uplift you. When you stretch, you minimize your risk of aches and muscle fatigue tomorrow, plus it will make you feel great. To mark your stretching time, add five final minutes of workout music that will leave you feeling refreshed and invigorated.
During your stretch, your brain will flood with endorphins that make you feel great, and listening to a few great tracks will help you coast on that great feeling for hours to come
Workout Music for Cardiovascular Training
Workout music can get you energized and help you stay motivated when you hit the gym for a workout, the pavement for a job, or even the trail for a stroll. But, that's not all that workout music can do. With the tips in this article, you can create a workout music mix that will rhythmically cue you to get the most aerobic benefit from your exercise.
What Will A Workout Music Mix Do For Me?
It will make it possible for you to exercise smart without even thinking about it! Having different workout music for different parts of your workout will help you remember the ideal cardiovascular sequence of warming up, getting moving, pushing hard, slowing down, and cooling down. This workout plan will get you maximum caloric burn while minimizing the strain on your heart.
This step by step guide will take you through planning a forty minute cardiovascular routine that will help you burn calories, lose fat, and boost your heart health. Once you've got your exercise routine set to workout music playlist or mix CD set up, you won't have to think about the structure of your workout ever again: just relax, exercise, and follow the music!
Warm Up
A good warm-up should include five minutes of gentle stretching to get your muscles warm and your blood moving before you start to seriously raise your heart rate. A full-body stretch at the start of your workout will help you prevent injuries and increase your flexibility.
Let workout music help you time your warm-up: choose five to ten minutes of soothing music that will help you relax mentally and physically so that you can shake off your worries and focus on your fitness goals. If you're stumped for workout music to play during your warm-up, try some soft jazz, or a few songs by Erykah Badu.
Get Moving
Now, it's time to gradually raise your heart rate. By slowly bringing your heart rate up into your target zone, you're easing potential stress on all the muscles in your system. Start out with five minutes of gentle marching in place, then gradually escalate to a run.
Cue yourself to speed up by adding a faster track to your workout music mix. Try starting out with a few light, upbeat tunes by an artist like Annie Lennox or The Talking Heads, then bring yourself up to serious speed with a fast disco track, some Tina Turner, or some Prince.
What Will A Workout Music Mix Do For Me?
It will make it possible for you to exercise smart without even thinking about it! Having different workout music for different parts of your workout will help you remember the ideal cardiovascular sequence of warming up, getting moving, pushing hard, slowing down, and cooling down. This workout plan will get you maximum caloric burn while minimizing the strain on your heart.
This step by step guide will take you through planning a forty minute cardiovascular routine that will help you burn calories, lose fat, and boost your heart health. Once you've got your exercise routine set to workout music playlist or mix CD set up, you won't have to think about the structure of your workout ever again: just relax, exercise, and follow the music!
Warm Up
A good warm-up should include five minutes of gentle stretching to get your muscles warm and your blood moving before you start to seriously raise your heart rate. A full-body stretch at the start of your workout will help you prevent injuries and increase your flexibility.
Let workout music help you time your warm-up: choose five to ten minutes of soothing music that will help you relax mentally and physically so that you can shake off your worries and focus on your fitness goals. If you're stumped for workout music to play during your warm-up, try some soft jazz, or a few songs by Erykah Badu.
Get Moving
Now, it's time to gradually raise your heart rate. By slowly bringing your heart rate up into your target zone, you're easing potential stress on all the muscles in your system. Start out with five minutes of gentle marching in place, then gradually escalate to a run.
Cue yourself to speed up by adding a faster track to your workout music mix. Try starting out with a few light, upbeat tunes by an artist like Annie Lennox or The Talking Heads, then bring yourself up to serious speed with a fast disco track, some Tina Turner, or some Prince.
What to Eat Before and After a Workout
It's not just a matter of what to eat before and after a workout, it's also important to know when to eat. You want to have enough energy to keep your muscles working at their best and to keep your mind alert. If you eat too much and exercise too soon after eating, your stomach could become upset and you might feel like puking, or worse, you could suffer from diarrhea-not what you want when you're in the middle of a mini-marathon.
On the other hand, if you don't eat enough, you can suffer from fatigue and light-headedness. So the trick is to find a good balance.
If you want to eat a full meal before exercising, nutrition experts suggest you allow three to four hours before exercising. This gives your body enough time to digest the food. You don't want your body to struggle with digesting and working out simultaneously.
The most important meal you eat is breakfast, because your body, while you slept, has used all the energy of the meal you ate the night before. So wake up early enough to eat a hearty breakfast and still have three to four hours before you head out. If you can't allow that much time, eat a smaller breakfast. But eat something.
So what to eat? Well, the most important foods in terms of energy are those made of carbohydrates. Carbs are stored in your muscles and are what provide them with fuel. Good sources of carbohydrates are most cereals (but not bran), breads, pastas, vegetables, and rice. Proteins are needed to keep the muscles healthy and are found in meats, dairy, and nuts. Keep the ratio of carbs higher than the protein, especially before an intense workout. Good advice, however, is to stay away from beans.
So if you can afford those four hours before exercising, eat a good hearty meal. Give yourself plenty of carbohydrates and protein and don't worry about the intake of fats. If you only have three to two hours, then just lessen the amount of food you put on your plate. But still stress the carbs over the protein. In case you don't have that much time, you might want to make yourself a drink. Mix some orange juice with low-fat yogurt, a little soy milk, and a banana in a blender. Add a couple of slices of toast on the side and you're on your way.
Remember that water is a huge priority, especially after you work out. Sweat is, after all, made up of water that your body has just thrown out. So you need to replenish it. Some experts suggest that you weigh yourself before and after you workout. Then drink an ounce of water for every ounce you lost.
Watch the food intake after exercising, especially after a very heavy workout. You might be very hungry, but that doesn't mean that you can afford to pig out. Carbs are still important, even after you're done. So keep them as a priority.
On the other hand, if you don't eat enough, you can suffer from fatigue and light-headedness. So the trick is to find a good balance.
If you want to eat a full meal before exercising, nutrition experts suggest you allow three to four hours before exercising. This gives your body enough time to digest the food. You don't want your body to struggle with digesting and working out simultaneously.
The most important meal you eat is breakfast, because your body, while you slept, has used all the energy of the meal you ate the night before. So wake up early enough to eat a hearty breakfast and still have three to four hours before you head out. If you can't allow that much time, eat a smaller breakfast. But eat something.
So what to eat? Well, the most important foods in terms of energy are those made of carbohydrates. Carbs are stored in your muscles and are what provide them with fuel. Good sources of carbohydrates are most cereals (but not bran), breads, pastas, vegetables, and rice. Proteins are needed to keep the muscles healthy and are found in meats, dairy, and nuts. Keep the ratio of carbs higher than the protein, especially before an intense workout. Good advice, however, is to stay away from beans.
So if you can afford those four hours before exercising, eat a good hearty meal. Give yourself plenty of carbohydrates and protein and don't worry about the intake of fats. If you only have three to two hours, then just lessen the amount of food you put on your plate. But still stress the carbs over the protein. In case you don't have that much time, you might want to make yourself a drink. Mix some orange juice with low-fat yogurt, a little soy milk, and a banana in a blender. Add a couple of slices of toast on the side and you're on your way.
Remember that water is a huge priority, especially after you work out. Sweat is, after all, made up of water that your body has just thrown out. So you need to replenish it. Some experts suggest that you weigh yourself before and after you workout. Then drink an ounce of water for every ounce you lost.
Watch the food intake after exercising, especially after a very heavy workout. You might be very hungry, but that doesn't mean that you can afford to pig out. Carbs are still important, even after you're done. So keep them as a priority.
Exercise Ball Workouts
Workouts with a large exercise ball are an enjoyable method for fulfilling the strength-training fitness recommendation for healthy adults, which suggest eight to 10 exercises at least two times per week. The exercise ball is an inexpensive and fun way to add variety and balance training to your workout routine.
Flexibility: Gain flexibility with a short workout routine done on your exercise ball. Sit on the ball and do pelvis tilts and pelvic circles. Next, stretch your back with the back in a supine position with the back extension and the knee hug. Assume a prone position to do trunk flexions and rotations. Get up from the ball to finish the workout with the kneeling side and side lying trunk.
Tone Your Abs: Perform four exercises on your exercise ball to tone your abdominal muscles. Start by lying your back on the ball and placing your feet on the wall for crunches. Turnover and place your hands on the floor to do pike-ups followed by crossing the plank. Lie on your side and place your feet at the base of the wall for the side wall crunch.
Full Body Strength Training: Use your exercise ball for nine exercises and target all the major muscle groups. Begin with exercise ball pikes for your abs followed by exercise ball reverse extensions for your lower back and exercise ball glute bridges for your butt. Grab two dumbbells to work out your chest and arms with exercise ball dumbbell fly's. Sit on top of the ball with one dumbbell for exercise ball dumbbell overhead triceps extensions followed by exercise ball crunches for your abs. Target your obliques and finish the workout with the exercise ball move called the Russian twist.
Short on Time: Use just four moves that target multiple muscle groups on your exercise ball to quickly workout your entire body in a short amount of time. Use a pair of dumbbells to do the first exercise called balancing act which targets your shoulders, abs, obliques, butt and legs. Lie your stomach on top of the ball for kick-backs which tone your shoulders, triceps and abs. Hold the exercise ball in your hands to do the step 'n' go for your arms, abs, hips and legs. Sit on the ball again for the ball hop and exercise your arms, abs, inner and outer thighs
Flexibility: Gain flexibility with a short workout routine done on your exercise ball. Sit on the ball and do pelvis tilts and pelvic circles. Next, stretch your back with the back in a supine position with the back extension and the knee hug. Assume a prone position to do trunk flexions and rotations. Get up from the ball to finish the workout with the kneeling side and side lying trunk.
Tone Your Abs: Perform four exercises on your exercise ball to tone your abdominal muscles. Start by lying your back on the ball and placing your feet on the wall for crunches. Turnover and place your hands on the floor to do pike-ups followed by crossing the plank. Lie on your side and place your feet at the base of the wall for the side wall crunch.
Full Body Strength Training: Use your exercise ball for nine exercises and target all the major muscle groups. Begin with exercise ball pikes for your abs followed by exercise ball reverse extensions for your lower back and exercise ball glute bridges for your butt. Grab two dumbbells to work out your chest and arms with exercise ball dumbbell fly's. Sit on top of the ball with one dumbbell for exercise ball dumbbell overhead triceps extensions followed by exercise ball crunches for your abs. Target your obliques and finish the workout with the exercise ball move called the Russian twist.
Short on Time: Use just four moves that target multiple muscle groups on your exercise ball to quickly workout your entire body in a short amount of time. Use a pair of dumbbells to do the first exercise called balancing act which targets your shoulders, abs, obliques, butt and legs. Lie your stomach on top of the ball for kick-backs which tone your shoulders, triceps and abs. Hold the exercise ball in your hands to do the step 'n' go for your arms, abs, hips and legs. Sit on the ball again for the ball hop and exercise your arms, abs, inner and outer thighs
Tips to Carry Your Summer Workout into the Fall
The summer can be one of the most rewarding seasons of the year, warm temperatures, sunshine, long days and time off was just what you needed to create that workout routine you always wanted. Just as you start to see the benefits of your new healthier lifestyle the fall season comes in to throw a monkey wrench in your well oiled machinery.
Do not fear however! By following these simple tips you can make sure to successfully keep your new lifestyle well into the rest of the year. As a full time college student and part time worker, this transition is always a challenge for me from the summer to the fall when there is a seismic change in my schedule. I've developed a few strategies that have helped me immensely.
Plan Ahead
New seasons often come with a new schedule and the best way to balance your workout routine and your work hours is to create more flexibility and adaptability in both areas. If you're stuck at work and can't get to the gym today go to bed an hour earlier and get to the gym in the morning.
One useful strategy is to take your current summer schedule and create fall versions of it with different workout hours and substitutes that are more flexible so each week you can adhere to one or the other without losing sacrificing your workout routine. It is important to expect conflicts of schedule and not get overly frustrated when they happen because that can lead to defeatist thinking and giving up on your routine.
Get it done early or late
Typically gyms will open very early and stay open fairly late. A great way to make your workout routine become a solid part of your fall schedule is to go to the gym at opening time(usually 5 am). You will find that you're not alone at this ungodly hour and the facilities are cleaner and not crowded like during more popular hours of the day. Alternatively you can join the late crowd and go to the gym before closing time. Either way the point is to get into a workout habit that is very unlikely to conflict with your work schedule.
Make the commitment to make up or substitute whenever your a workout is sacrificed. So you missed the gym this morning, go for a walk in the afternoon after work and pick up the gym again the next day. If you miss a day altogether push yourself a little harder the next day. The important thing is to not let yourself get away with missing the workout. Your exercise should be a priority to you.
If you're a commuter to work or school you might find useful to join a gym that has facilities both near your house and place of work so you can remain flexible to work out near each location whenever necessary.
The gym bag is your friend
Having a well prepared gym bag can be a lifesaver. Get comfortable using your gym to shower and you can save a lot of time by going straight from gym to work in the morning or alternatively going straight from work to gym and changing into workout clothes there. Having a ready to go gym bag in your car will make sure you can take advantage of any unexpected free time that you might be able to use to go to the gym.
Do not fear however! By following these simple tips you can make sure to successfully keep your new lifestyle well into the rest of the year. As a full time college student and part time worker, this transition is always a challenge for me from the summer to the fall when there is a seismic change in my schedule. I've developed a few strategies that have helped me immensely.
Plan Ahead
New seasons often come with a new schedule and the best way to balance your workout routine and your work hours is to create more flexibility and adaptability in both areas. If you're stuck at work and can't get to the gym today go to bed an hour earlier and get to the gym in the morning.
One useful strategy is to take your current summer schedule and create fall versions of it with different workout hours and substitutes that are more flexible so each week you can adhere to one or the other without losing sacrificing your workout routine. It is important to expect conflicts of schedule and not get overly frustrated when they happen because that can lead to defeatist thinking and giving up on your routine.
Get it done early or late
Typically gyms will open very early and stay open fairly late. A great way to make your workout routine become a solid part of your fall schedule is to go to the gym at opening time(usually 5 am). You will find that you're not alone at this ungodly hour and the facilities are cleaner and not crowded like during more popular hours of the day. Alternatively you can join the late crowd and go to the gym before closing time. Either way the point is to get into a workout habit that is very unlikely to conflict with your work schedule.
Make the commitment to make up or substitute whenever your a workout is sacrificed. So you missed the gym this morning, go for a walk in the afternoon after work and pick up the gym again the next day. If you miss a day altogether push yourself a little harder the next day. The important thing is to not let yourself get away with missing the workout. Your exercise should be a priority to you.
If you're a commuter to work or school you might find useful to join a gym that has facilities both near your house and place of work so you can remain flexible to work out near each location whenever necessary.
The gym bag is your friend
Having a well prepared gym bag can be a lifesaver. Get comfortable using your gym to shower and you can save a lot of time by going straight from gym to work in the morning or alternatively going straight from work to gym and changing into workout clothes there. Having a ready to go gym bag in your car will make sure you can take advantage of any unexpected free time that you might be able to use to go to the gym.
Top 5 Michael Jackson Workout Songs
Michael Jackson will always be known for not only his songwriting, singing and dancing, but for making the rest of us dance to his infectious beats. Add this short list of rump-shaking tunes to your iPod, grab your water bottle and hit the treadmill or elliptical for some major calorie burning benefits.
"The Way You Make Me Feel", released on the critically acclaimed Bad album sold over 30 million copies. This is a perfect warm-up or cool-down song for your workout. At 4 minutes and 57 seconds long this will give you the time you need to wake up those muscles and get your heart working. So girls, picture that famous video and strut your stuff on the treadmill.
"Smooth Criminal's" fast beat will really get you moving. This 4 minute and 17 second song from the Bad album is a bit faster than the rest of the songs on this list, so be sure to focus on proper form as it's easy to lose your concentration when you are trying to keep up with a fast paced tune.
"Thriller", from the album by the same name which went on to become the best selling album of all time brings back fond memories of first being terrified by the video, and then trying to learn the dance routine. This classic, iconic Michael Jackson song is 5 minutes and 57 seconds long. Increase the resistance on that elliptical or the incline on your treadmill to really feel the burn!
"Billie Jean", also from the Thriller album is a favorite among my girlfriends. It's just one of those songs you can't resist and at 4 minutes and 54 seconds it's a great low-intensity interval for your workout routine. Don't forget to stay hydrated.
"Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough" from the Off the Wall album reminds me of one of my favorite Seinfeld episodes featuring a short compilation of scenes where Jerry, George, Kramer and Elaine are dancing for various reasons. At 6 minutes and 5 seconds long, this final heart-pumping tune will stick with you for hours after your pulse has slowed. Tip: add "The Way You Make Me Fee" to the end of this list for a proper cool-down and an additional 5 minutes.
Intervals are a fantastic way to burn a lot of calories in a short amount of time and at just over 26 minutes long, this play list will get your legs moving and your heart pumping. Feel free to adjust your cardio equipment of choice to challenge yourself with incline and resistance to create a tailored routine. No cardio equipment available? Clear a spot in your living room or bedroom, dim the lights and dance like nobody is watching. As long as you are moving, you are doing your heart a huge favor!
"The Way You Make Me Feel", released on the critically acclaimed Bad album sold over 30 million copies. This is a perfect warm-up or cool-down song for your workout. At 4 minutes and 57 seconds long this will give you the time you need to wake up those muscles and get your heart working. So girls, picture that famous video and strut your stuff on the treadmill.
"Smooth Criminal's" fast beat will really get you moving. This 4 minute and 17 second song from the Bad album is a bit faster than the rest of the songs on this list, so be sure to focus on proper form as it's easy to lose your concentration when you are trying to keep up with a fast paced tune.
"Thriller", from the album by the same name which went on to become the best selling album of all time brings back fond memories of first being terrified by the video, and then trying to learn the dance routine. This classic, iconic Michael Jackson song is 5 minutes and 57 seconds long. Increase the resistance on that elliptical or the incline on your treadmill to really feel the burn!
"Billie Jean", also from the Thriller album is a favorite among my girlfriends. It's just one of those songs you can't resist and at 4 minutes and 54 seconds it's a great low-intensity interval for your workout routine. Don't forget to stay hydrated.
"Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough" from the Off the Wall album reminds me of one of my favorite Seinfeld episodes featuring a short compilation of scenes where Jerry, George, Kramer and Elaine are dancing for various reasons. At 6 minutes and 5 seconds long, this final heart-pumping tune will stick with you for hours after your pulse has slowed. Tip: add "The Way You Make Me Fee" to the end of this list for a proper cool-down and an additional 5 minutes.
Intervals are a fantastic way to burn a lot of calories in a short amount of time and at just over 26 minutes long, this play list will get your legs moving and your heart pumping. Feel free to adjust your cardio equipment of choice to challenge yourself with incline and resistance to create a tailored routine. No cardio equipment available? Clear a spot in your living room or bedroom, dim the lights and dance like nobody is watching. As long as you are moving, you are doing your heart a huge favor!
Mistakes To Avoid When Doing A Work Out
Doing the Same Old Thing
Imagine eating sweet potatoes. It can be healthy. Now, imagine eating it for a month or two. What can be a healthy habit can turn sour. The same thing goes with exercise. You need variety to keep you motivated. Doing the same type of fitness routine may become so comfy that you won't be challenged anymore to do endurance exercises. There is just no challenge.
Doing It Wrong
You may do an exercise that's great for you, but if you're not aware of the proper posture while doing a rep, you might as well as injure yourself. The last thing you want is leave the gym with sore muscles or worst, visit the nearest ER. To learn properly, get the help of a professional trainer to guide you at first.
Doing Exercises - Without Drinking Water
Don't ever hit the gym parched or you will have a hard time doing your fitness routines. If you are not properly hydrated, your body and mind won't function well during an exercise. You will feel tired faster which may stop you from finishing your workout. Before you do one, drink 15 ounces of water at least two hours before your routine.
Addicted to Scale
Anyone of us who tried to lose weight will always be hooked on - weighing scales, and most often, there is disappointment. Your body weight may not move as much as a scale down since when your body loses fats, muscles form in place. Instead, try tracking your heart rate, cholesterol levels, or blood pressure. You can try investing in a heart rate monitor which helps you track the number of calories you have burned. Don't just trust those estimates given by gym machines.
Ever seen anyone reading a book while running on a treadmill? It just looks ridiculous. Reading can be fun if you enjoy it, but it can also distract you from doing a high-intensity workout. By listening to upbeat music instead on your portable music player, you keep up with the pace, helping you burn 15 times more calories than when you're flipping those glossy pages.
Being Surreal
You need to set realistic goals that you can achieve, which can fit in perfectly with your time and weight loss goals. Be honest with what you can do and have the discipline to follow your exercise goals.
If you love yourself, you need to make sure that you live life to the max - by choosing only those natural, healthy choices, a healthy lifestyle, and a dedication to having a regular physical exercise. Have the common sense to avoid these mistakes and you will have the best days of your lives -
Imagine eating sweet potatoes. It can be healthy. Now, imagine eating it for a month or two. What can be a healthy habit can turn sour. The same thing goes with exercise. You need variety to keep you motivated. Doing the same type of fitness routine may become so comfy that you won't be challenged anymore to do endurance exercises. There is just no challenge.
Doing It Wrong
You may do an exercise that's great for you, but if you're not aware of the proper posture while doing a rep, you might as well as injure yourself. The last thing you want is leave the gym with sore muscles or worst, visit the nearest ER. To learn properly, get the help of a professional trainer to guide you at first.
Doing Exercises - Without Drinking Water
Don't ever hit the gym parched or you will have a hard time doing your fitness routines. If you are not properly hydrated, your body and mind won't function well during an exercise. You will feel tired faster which may stop you from finishing your workout. Before you do one, drink 15 ounces of water at least two hours before your routine.
Addicted to Scale
Anyone of us who tried to lose weight will always be hooked on - weighing scales, and most often, there is disappointment. Your body weight may not move as much as a scale down since when your body loses fats, muscles form in place. Instead, try tracking your heart rate, cholesterol levels, or blood pressure. You can try investing in a heart rate monitor which helps you track the number of calories you have burned. Don't just trust those estimates given by gym machines.
Ever seen anyone reading a book while running on a treadmill? It just looks ridiculous. Reading can be fun if you enjoy it, but it can also distract you from doing a high-intensity workout. By listening to upbeat music instead on your portable music player, you keep up with the pace, helping you burn 15 times more calories than when you're flipping those glossy pages.
Being Surreal
You need to set realistic goals that you can achieve, which can fit in perfectly with your time and weight loss goals. Be honest with what you can do and have the discipline to follow your exercise goals.
If you love yourself, you need to make sure that you live life to the max - by choosing only those natural, healthy choices, a healthy lifestyle, and a dedication to having a regular physical exercise. Have the common sense to avoid these mistakes and you will have the best days of your lives -
Top Workout Mistakes
When studies show that your usual gym member quits after six months of having enrolled in a program, one can only wonder: Do exercises really work? Just because they don't see results with such a little time they spend working out doesn't mean you have to stop yours as well.
The question should be: Are they really doing it right? You may be surprised to know that many people are doing the same mistakes over and over, simply because they are not aware of it.
All those huff'n and puff'n won't do you any good in your cardio workouts, specially when the very fitness routine you do stops you from losing weight. Just because you're doing 30 minutes of exercise each day doesn't mean you automatically lose weight. Instead, you might try to change your fitness program and focus those crucial thirty minutes in doing it right. So, what's stopping you from losing weight?
Top Mistakes You Should Avoid When Doing A Work Out
Focusing on Quantity
If you look at those people doing their reps in the gym, can you point out who is doing a quality workout? Just because you are comfortable repeating your fitness routines doesn't mean you will get better results in your workout. You need to really focus in each movement you make so you can challenge your strength and aerobic skills.
Too Much Workout
Many overestimate the amount they need and the time they have to do their workout routines. There is also a myth of exercising at a moderate pace for 30 minutes, where they believe that they have burned a lot of calories. It's not that easy. Exercises do burn calories -- over time. Consistently doing so is the best way for you to burn fat and lose weight.
Being In Denial
Not everyone who says they are health-conscious will be honest enough to accept just how much of good food they are eating each day. Sometimes, one can lose track of the food he or she eats, which can hinder those weight loss goals. Keep a diary with you where you can track your food and calorie intake.
Doing the Wrong Exercise
What's worse than a fitness routine is doing the wrong one. You can watch all the videos you want, but unless you write down your goals clearly and ask for the guidance of a professional trainer, you might as well be joining the name game. There are even exercises that can truly be bad for you, specially if you have a special health condition.
The question should be: Are they really doing it right? You may be surprised to know that many people are doing the same mistakes over and over, simply because they are not aware of it.
All those huff'n and puff'n won't do you any good in your cardio workouts, specially when the very fitness routine you do stops you from losing weight. Just because you're doing 30 minutes of exercise each day doesn't mean you automatically lose weight. Instead, you might try to change your fitness program and focus those crucial thirty minutes in doing it right. So, what's stopping you from losing weight?
Top Mistakes You Should Avoid When Doing A Work Out
Focusing on Quantity
If you look at those people doing their reps in the gym, can you point out who is doing a quality workout? Just because you are comfortable repeating your fitness routines doesn't mean you will get better results in your workout. You need to really focus in each movement you make so you can challenge your strength and aerobic skills.
Too Much Workout
Many overestimate the amount they need and the time they have to do their workout routines. There is also a myth of exercising at a moderate pace for 30 minutes, where they believe that they have burned a lot of calories. It's not that easy. Exercises do burn calories -- over time. Consistently doing so is the best way for you to burn fat and lose weight.
Being In Denial
Not everyone who says they are health-conscious will be honest enough to accept just how much of good food they are eating each day. Sometimes, one can lose track of the food he or she eats, which can hinder those weight loss goals. Keep a diary with you where you can track your food and calorie intake.
Doing the Wrong Exercise
What's worse than a fitness routine is doing the wrong one. You can watch all the videos you want, but unless you write down your goals clearly and ask for the guidance of a professional trainer, you might as well be joining the name game. There are even exercises that can truly be bad for you, specially if you have a special health condition.
Cool Down After a Workout
Single Leg Over
Lie down on the ground on your back. Place your arms out like a T, then take your left leg and put it on the right side of your body, making a 90 degree angle with it. Keeping your left hand on the ground (to help keep your back on the ground), take your right hand and grab your left leg, pulling it to the side. Hold it for 20-30 seconds. Once complete, switch legs.
Sit down on the ground, and put your feet together. Grab your ankles and pull towards you. Hold for 20-30 seconds. A lot of people grab their toes when doing this exercise, but that just raises their toes up, if you grab your ankles instead, you'll be sure you're getting the proper stretch because you're bringing your legs in and not just your toes raised.
Forward Lunge
Stand with your hands on your hips and take a big step forward. Stand as far forward as you can while keeping your back heel on the ground, and your front leg straight up and down. If you don't feel a stretch in your calf, take a bigger step forward until you do. Hold for about 20-30 seconds, and then switch legs.
Extend and Flex
Front leaning rest position...move! I heard a lot of this during my time at Basic. Front leaning rest position means get into the position of a push up. Once you're in the position, place your knees and hips on the ground while keeping your elbows locked. Look up to the sky and arch your back. Hold this for about 20-30 seconds. Then get back to the push up position, and stick your butt in the air. You should walk your hands back a little bit, keeping your legs and elbows locked. You should be making an upside down V right now. Hold this for 20-30 seconds.
Hamstring Stretch Standing
This will be the final exercise I mention. Stand with your feet together and then bend down to touch your toes. Just go as far as you can to where you feel the stretch. Hold for about 20-30 seconds. Once completed, do NOT just stand up. While still bending down, bend your knees and then slowly come up. This prevents damage to your hamstring.
Well there you have it, 10 simple and easy things to do to cool down and help your body recover. I covered sprinting, calves, arms, chest, abs, and even back. So just make sure your cool down consists of stretching all of your muscles and joints, and has a safe workout!
Lie down on the ground on your back. Place your arms out like a T, then take your left leg and put it on the right side of your body, making a 90 degree angle with it. Keeping your left hand on the ground (to help keep your back on the ground), take your right hand and grab your left leg, pulling it to the side. Hold it for 20-30 seconds. Once complete, switch legs.
Sit down on the ground, and put your feet together. Grab your ankles and pull towards you. Hold for 20-30 seconds. A lot of people grab their toes when doing this exercise, but that just raises their toes up, if you grab your ankles instead, you'll be sure you're getting the proper stretch because you're bringing your legs in and not just your toes raised.
Forward Lunge
Stand with your hands on your hips and take a big step forward. Stand as far forward as you can while keeping your back heel on the ground, and your front leg straight up and down. If you don't feel a stretch in your calf, take a bigger step forward until you do. Hold for about 20-30 seconds, and then switch legs.
Extend and Flex
Front leaning rest position...move! I heard a lot of this during my time at Basic. Front leaning rest position means get into the position of a push up. Once you're in the position, place your knees and hips on the ground while keeping your elbows locked. Look up to the sky and arch your back. Hold this for about 20-30 seconds. Then get back to the push up position, and stick your butt in the air. You should walk your hands back a little bit, keeping your legs and elbows locked. You should be making an upside down V right now. Hold this for 20-30 seconds.
Hamstring Stretch Standing
This will be the final exercise I mention. Stand with your feet together and then bend down to touch your toes. Just go as far as you can to where you feel the stretch. Hold for about 20-30 seconds. Once completed, do NOT just stand up. While still bending down, bend your knees and then slowly come up. This prevents damage to your hamstring.
Well there you have it, 10 simple and easy things to do to cool down and help your body recover. I covered sprinting, calves, arms, chest, abs, and even back. So just make sure your cool down consists of stretching all of your muscles and joints, and has a safe workout!
How to Cool Down After a Workout
If you've ever done a good workout and just stopped and sat down, you know what lactic acid build up can feel like, and it's not pleasant. During an intense workout, your body can't produce enough ATP, and as a result, acidosis will occur and cause the discomfort. So how do we prevent this unpleasantness in the muscles? You need to cool down.
Performing cool down exercises and stretches will help your body and ensure maximum results. What exercises and/or workouts are good for cool down? Here's a short list that helped me out during my time in track during high school, and Basic Combat Training for the Army. Keep in mind, the less you do for a cool-down, the more chance of the build-up you'll get.
If you just get done with a race or a run, the best thing to do is actually to keep going. Once you're done with race or the run, start slowing down gradually, don't come to a stop right away. Run at a slight jog for maybe 100-200m, then walk for another 100m. If you're not good with distance, after your run, jog for about 20-30 seconds, then walk for about 30-40 seconds, and you should be good.
Overhead Arm Pull
I did a whole lot of this during Basic. You take your left hand, and put it over your head, placing it in the small of your back (or just below your neck). Take your right hand, grab your left elbow and slightly pull until you feel the stretch. Hold it there for 20-30 seconds. Once you're done with your left arm, repeat the process with the right arm. If you don't feel a slight burn, you're not doing it correctly.
Side Arm Pull
This is similar to the Overhead Arm Pull, except your pulling it to the side. Take your left arm and reach across your body to the right. Put your left arm on the inside of your right elbow, and bend your right arm at a 90 degree angle to hold it there, and just pull back until you feel the stretch. Hold it for 20-30 seconds. Once completed, switch arms
Abdominal Stretch
For the abs, interlock your fingers together and hold your hands upside down above your head, so that the palms are facing the sky. Lean back slightly until you feel a stretch in your abs. Hold it for about 20-30 seconds.
Chest Stretch
Again, interlock your fingers, but instead of above your head, place them straight out in front of you, palms facing out. Extend your arms until you feel a stretch in your chest and hold it for 20-30 seconds. Once complete, you can do an inverted Chest Stretch, in which you place your arms out like a T and move them to the back while standing still.
Performing cool down exercises and stretches will help your body and ensure maximum results. What exercises and/or workouts are good for cool down? Here's a short list that helped me out during my time in track during high school, and Basic Combat Training for the Army. Keep in mind, the less you do for a cool-down, the more chance of the build-up you'll get.
If you just get done with a race or a run, the best thing to do is actually to keep going. Once you're done with race or the run, start slowing down gradually, don't come to a stop right away. Run at a slight jog for maybe 100-200m, then walk for another 100m. If you're not good with distance, after your run, jog for about 20-30 seconds, then walk for about 30-40 seconds, and you should be good.
Overhead Arm Pull
I did a whole lot of this during Basic. You take your left hand, and put it over your head, placing it in the small of your back (or just below your neck). Take your right hand, grab your left elbow and slightly pull until you feel the stretch. Hold it there for 20-30 seconds. Once you're done with your left arm, repeat the process with the right arm. If you don't feel a slight burn, you're not doing it correctly.
Side Arm Pull
This is similar to the Overhead Arm Pull, except your pulling it to the side. Take your left arm and reach across your body to the right. Put your left arm on the inside of your right elbow, and bend your right arm at a 90 degree angle to hold it there, and just pull back until you feel the stretch. Hold it for 20-30 seconds. Once completed, switch arms
Abdominal Stretch
For the abs, interlock your fingers together and hold your hands upside down above your head, so that the palms are facing the sky. Lean back slightly until you feel a stretch in your abs. Hold it for about 20-30 seconds.
Chest Stretch
Again, interlock your fingers, but instead of above your head, place them straight out in front of you, palms facing out. Extend your arms until you feel a stretch in your chest and hold it for 20-30 seconds. Once complete, you can do an inverted Chest Stretch, in which you place your arms out like a T and move them to the back while standing still.
Killer Chest and Leg Workout for Women
Women can work out their chest and legs in the same workout. I'm a certified personal trainer. Yes, women can have a "chest and legs day."
Whether a woman has thunder thighs or stick legs, she begins the leg workout by standing on the flat side of a BOSU board and doing deep squats. Go up only three quarters of the way after being in the deep squat. And move quickly, so that you're pulsing. Do as many possible until you can't do one more. This will create a preliminary burn in your legs and glutes. Rest 30 seconds and repeat.
While your legs are cooling off, find the incline barbell press machine for a warm-up chest workout and press just the bar (45 pounds) for as many reps as possible. Rest 45 seconds and repeat two more times.
Next is the Smith machine. Load the bar for 85-95 or more pounds and do standard squats for as many reps possible but no more than 20. Rest 30 seconds and repeat two more times to totally blast your legs.
Chest is up again. Grab a pair of 15-25 pound dumbbells and do chest presses off of a stability ball. Do as many reps as possible up to 20. Rest 30 seconds and repeat two more times. Then hit the decline leg press machine. The decline is the one that's in the free weight area, in which the back support is close to the floor.
Load the leg press apparatus for a challenging set of 8-12 reps. When done, quickly exit and do 15 squat jumps. Then do pushups, even if you must get on your knees, till you can't do one more.
Get back in the leg press and do another 8-12 reps. Then squat jump and then do the pushups.
Then hit the leg curls with 8-12 reps lying down. Rest 30 seconds and repeat two more times, then do as many pushups as possible. Repeat this protocol with the leg extension machine.
After the pushups, find a seated chest press machine and do three sets of 8-12 reps, with 30 seconds in between each set.
Never rush through the repetitions just because there are short rest periods in between each set. You can even take your sweet time with the repetitions, focusing on good form and good breathing. This killer chest and leg workout for women is not meant to break any time or speed records.
Whether a woman has thunder thighs or stick legs, she begins the leg workout by standing on the flat side of a BOSU board and doing deep squats. Go up only three quarters of the way after being in the deep squat. And move quickly, so that you're pulsing. Do as many possible until you can't do one more. This will create a preliminary burn in your legs and glutes. Rest 30 seconds and repeat.
While your legs are cooling off, find the incline barbell press machine for a warm-up chest workout and press just the bar (45 pounds) for as many reps as possible. Rest 45 seconds and repeat two more times.
Next is the Smith machine. Load the bar for 85-95 or more pounds and do standard squats for as many reps possible but no more than 20. Rest 30 seconds and repeat two more times to totally blast your legs.
Chest is up again. Grab a pair of 15-25 pound dumbbells and do chest presses off of a stability ball. Do as many reps as possible up to 20. Rest 30 seconds and repeat two more times. Then hit the decline leg press machine. The decline is the one that's in the free weight area, in which the back support is close to the floor.
Load the leg press apparatus for a challenging set of 8-12 reps. When done, quickly exit and do 15 squat jumps. Then do pushups, even if you must get on your knees, till you can't do one more.
Get back in the leg press and do another 8-12 reps. Then squat jump and then do the pushups.
Then hit the leg curls with 8-12 reps lying down. Rest 30 seconds and repeat two more times, then do as many pushups as possible. Repeat this protocol with the leg extension machine.
After the pushups, find a seated chest press machine and do three sets of 8-12 reps, with 30 seconds in between each set.
Never rush through the repetitions just because there are short rest periods in between each set. You can even take your sweet time with the repetitions, focusing on good form and good breathing. This killer chest and leg workout for women is not meant to break any time or speed records.
Amount of weight you use for each exercise every week
The program rotates different exercises every day and uses different repetition ranges. Frequency is only 3 times a week to prevent overtraining and eating up your busy schedule. Your goal should also be to increase the amount of weight you use for each exercise every week.
In other words, strive to increase the amount of weight on the bar or dumbbell every week so you'll get stronger and build muscle. Building muscle helps tremendously with fat loss in the near future. Rest 1-2 minutes between each set
Remember the 4 main principles of effective full body strength training above.
Day 1- Monday
Dumbbell shoulder press 2 sets of 12-15 reps
Standing barbell row 2 sets of 12 reps
Body weight crunches 3 sets of 20 reps
Dead lift 2 sets of 12 reps
Body weight pushups 2 sets of 15-20 reps
Dumbbell hammer curl 2 sets of 12 reps
Day 2- Wednesday
Barbell back squat 3 sets of 6-8 reps
Incline bench press or machine bench press 2 sets of 4-6 reps
Pull-up 2 sets of 4-6 reps
Dumbbell side bend 2 sets of 6 reps
Arnold press 2 sets of 4-6 reps
Dumbbell overhead tricep extension 2 sets of 4-6 reps
Day 3- Friday
Body weight dips 2 sets of 8-10 reps
Weighted crunch 2 sets of 8-10 reps
One arm dumbbell row 2 sets of 8-10 reps
Good morning 2 sets of 8-10 reps
Dumbbell lunge 2 sets of 8-10 reps
Barbell curl 2 sets of 8-10 reps
Progressive overload involves increasing the amount of weight you use per workout. So let's say you did 80 pounds for barbell curl this week for 10 reps. Your goal should be to do more than 80 pounds next week. Maybe use 85 pounds or 90 pounds down the line.
This is a 3 days a week program for 40 minutes each training session. That's a total of 120 minutes. It's only 2 hours a week and you'll achieve more than some of those routines that has you bumming in the gym for 16, 18, or 20 hours a week, leaving you more time to spend elsewhere. Be consistent and you'll reap the benefits of a stronger, fitter, and slimmer body.
In other words, strive to increase the amount of weight on the bar or dumbbell every week so you'll get stronger and build muscle. Building muscle helps tremendously with fat loss in the near future. Rest 1-2 minutes between each set
Remember the 4 main principles of effective full body strength training above.
Day 1- Monday
Dumbbell shoulder press 2 sets of 12-15 reps
Standing barbell row 2 sets of 12 reps
Body weight crunches 3 sets of 20 reps
Dead lift 2 sets of 12 reps
Body weight pushups 2 sets of 15-20 reps
Dumbbell hammer curl 2 sets of 12 reps
Day 2- Wednesday
Barbell back squat 3 sets of 6-8 reps
Incline bench press or machine bench press 2 sets of 4-6 reps
Pull-up 2 sets of 4-6 reps
Dumbbell side bend 2 sets of 6 reps
Arnold press 2 sets of 4-6 reps
Dumbbell overhead tricep extension 2 sets of 4-6 reps
Day 3- Friday
Body weight dips 2 sets of 8-10 reps
Weighted crunch 2 sets of 8-10 reps
One arm dumbbell row 2 sets of 8-10 reps
Good morning 2 sets of 8-10 reps
Dumbbell lunge 2 sets of 8-10 reps
Barbell curl 2 sets of 8-10 reps
Progressive overload involves increasing the amount of weight you use per workout. So let's say you did 80 pounds for barbell curl this week for 10 reps. Your goal should be to do more than 80 pounds next week. Maybe use 85 pounds or 90 pounds down the line.
This is a 3 days a week program for 40 minutes each training session. That's a total of 120 minutes. It's only 2 hours a week and you'll achieve more than some of those routines that has you bumming in the gym for 16, 18, or 20 hours a week, leaving you more time to spend elsewhere. Be consistent and you'll reap the benefits of a stronger, fitter, and slimmer body.
Full-Body Workout Routine for Everyone to Build Strength
If you do a search online for full body workout routines using weights and body weight exercises, you'll find hundreds and thousands of routines. The problem is that you don't know if the program will work for strengthening and transforming your body. Perhaps the program calls for training 6 days a week, 2 hours a day and you just don't have all that time to spend at the gym.
You're a busy professional with a very hectic lifestyle and schedules to carry on. Who has 12 or 15 hours to train at the gym nowadays?
Unless you're retired or don't have to work, those programs just won't work. Then there are many programs that are missing the right elements that make workouts successful. You're after the training effect of strength increases, weight loss, and building muscle. To achieve that lean and strong physique, a program must have all of the following elements.
1. Compound exercises and multi-jointed movements
2. Variety of repetitions and sets per workout
3. Method of Progression; Progressive Overload
4. Right amount of frequency
Compound movements are an exercise that has you training multiple major muscle groups in one go. Take the bench press for example. The bench press works your chest, triceps, forearms/grip muscles, and shoulders at the same time. One exercise could potentiall work half the body in one set under 60 seconds. This makes it easier to do full body workouts.
They also allow you to use much heavier weights and poundages. There's no need to use different exercises for each muscle group. This saves time and increases efficiency while allowing you to get much stronger and burning more calories when all is said and done.
Variety is important for the training response. Why get stronger at just the high repetition range when you can also get stronger doing less reps and more weight?
Variety is key to strength and fitness progress. You also need a way of progressing from workout to workout. If you stay at using the same weight for 10 weeks, then you're not getting any stronger. Each workout, you should strive to use heavier weights, do more reps, do more sets, and decrease the resting periods. These are all principles you need to be aware of in an effective full body routine.
Now here's a full body minimalist and efficient strength training program combining weights, machines, and body weight exercises to help you lose fat, build lots of strength, and completely transform the way your body looks just in time for the spring or summer vacation break. Each workout requires only 40 minutes tops at the gym using a handful of the most efficient and best compound exercise movements. This workout program will work for everyone as long as you put in the effort every day. Don't skip workouts. Be consistent.
You're a busy professional with a very hectic lifestyle and schedules to carry on. Who has 12 or 15 hours to train at the gym nowadays?
Unless you're retired or don't have to work, those programs just won't work. Then there are many programs that are missing the right elements that make workouts successful. You're after the training effect of strength increases, weight loss, and building muscle. To achieve that lean and strong physique, a program must have all of the following elements.
1. Compound exercises and multi-jointed movements
2. Variety of repetitions and sets per workout
3. Method of Progression; Progressive Overload
4. Right amount of frequency
Compound movements are an exercise that has you training multiple major muscle groups in one go. Take the bench press for example. The bench press works your chest, triceps, forearms/grip muscles, and shoulders at the same time. One exercise could potentiall work half the body in one set under 60 seconds. This makes it easier to do full body workouts.
They also allow you to use much heavier weights and poundages. There's no need to use different exercises for each muscle group. This saves time and increases efficiency while allowing you to get much stronger and burning more calories when all is said and done.
Variety is important for the training response. Why get stronger at just the high repetition range when you can also get stronger doing less reps and more weight?
Variety is key to strength and fitness progress. You also need a way of progressing from workout to workout. If you stay at using the same weight for 10 weeks, then you're not getting any stronger. Each workout, you should strive to use heavier weights, do more reps, do more sets, and decrease the resting periods. These are all principles you need to be aware of in an effective full body routine.
Now here's a full body minimalist and efficient strength training program combining weights, machines, and body weight exercises to help you lose fat, build lots of strength, and completely transform the way your body looks just in time for the spring or summer vacation break. Each workout requires only 40 minutes tops at the gym using a handful of the most efficient and best compound exercise movements. This workout program will work for everyone as long as you put in the effort every day. Don't skip workouts. Be consistent.
Pilates Workout Plan
Pilates has grown in popularity over the years because of its quick results and the ability to do it anywhere you can find a soft, flat surface. This is a daily routine from Fitness Magazine that should take you around eight minutes. In this routine, you will initiate all movements from your core and focus on moving your body in the same rhythm as your breath. For best results, focus on pulling your belly button to your spine, keeping your neck and back long and your shoulders relaxed.
Start with the Swan. To begin, lie face down on the floor with your legs extended and your hands flat on the floor by your shoulders. Keeping your elbows as close to your body as possible. Press your hands into the floor, and life your head, shoulders and chest. Arch your upper back and take two to three breaths. Return to the floor and repeat. Next try the Double Leg Stretch.
Lie on your back, and hug your knees to your chest. Focusing on your core muscles, lift your head and shoulders off the ground. Simultaneously extend your arms overhead, straighten your legs to a 45-degree angle off the floor, and hold for 1 count. Focus on holding your upper body off of the floor and keeping your legs together. Repeat.
Stretching Your Spine
Begin with the Spine Stretch Forward. Sit up with your arms and legs extended. Your legs can be slightly apart. Breathe deep and sit up tall. As you exhale reach head, neck and shoulders towards your toes. Imagine that you are bending over a ball. Inhale and hold. Exhale and deepen your abdominals. Inhale and roll up to a sitting position. Repeat.
Move on to the Seated Spine Twist. Sit up straight with your legs extended and your feet flexed. Extend your arms out to your sides at shoulder level. Sit up tall and inhale. As you exhale pull your abs in, and twist to the right. Only move your upper body, keeping your hips firmly in place. Inhale and face front. Repeat on the left side.
Full Body Movements
Start with the Leg Pull Front. Sit with your legs extended, and your hands on the floor. Point your fingers toward your body. Lift your hips off the ground and lift 1 leg off of the ground and hold for three seconds. Alternate legs and repeat. Move on to the Leg Pull Back. Start in push-up position with your hands directly beneath your shoulders. Lift one leg 2 to 5 inches off the floor and hold for a three count. Slowly lower. Repeat alternating legs.
Doing this workout daily will help you build long and lean muscles, improve your flexibility and help you have better posture. Pilates is also a great way to relax and unwind. Concentrate on your breathing, not the busy day ahead.
Start with the Swan. To begin, lie face down on the floor with your legs extended and your hands flat on the floor by your shoulders. Keeping your elbows as close to your body as possible. Press your hands into the floor, and life your head, shoulders and chest. Arch your upper back and take two to three breaths. Return to the floor and repeat. Next try the Double Leg Stretch.
Lie on your back, and hug your knees to your chest. Focusing on your core muscles, lift your head and shoulders off the ground. Simultaneously extend your arms overhead, straighten your legs to a 45-degree angle off the floor, and hold for 1 count. Focus on holding your upper body off of the floor and keeping your legs together. Repeat.
Stretching Your Spine
Begin with the Spine Stretch Forward. Sit up with your arms and legs extended. Your legs can be slightly apart. Breathe deep and sit up tall. As you exhale reach head, neck and shoulders towards your toes. Imagine that you are bending over a ball. Inhale and hold. Exhale and deepen your abdominals. Inhale and roll up to a sitting position. Repeat.
Move on to the Seated Spine Twist. Sit up straight with your legs extended and your feet flexed. Extend your arms out to your sides at shoulder level. Sit up tall and inhale. As you exhale pull your abs in, and twist to the right. Only move your upper body, keeping your hips firmly in place. Inhale and face front. Repeat on the left side.
Full Body Movements
Start with the Leg Pull Front. Sit with your legs extended, and your hands on the floor. Point your fingers toward your body. Lift your hips off the ground and lift 1 leg off of the ground and hold for three seconds. Alternate legs and repeat. Move on to the Leg Pull Back. Start in push-up position with your hands directly beneath your shoulders. Lift one leg 2 to 5 inches off the floor and hold for a three count. Slowly lower. Repeat alternating legs.
Doing this workout daily will help you build long and lean muscles, improve your flexibility and help you have better posture. Pilates is also a great way to relax and unwind. Concentrate on your breathing, not the busy day ahead.
20 Minute Indoor Workout
First of all you have to do stretches for 5 minutes. Don't forget to use a stopwatch. You can do any kind of stretches that you like as long as you stretch the whole 5 minutes. My favorite is to sit on the floor with your legs spread apart bend over to touch your toes hold for at least 30 seconds, repeat as many times as you like. Another favorite is to touch the right fingers to the left toes hold and than repeat on the other side.
Here we go to the second part of the workout, don't forget to use a stopwatch. You will be doing my favorite of all times jumping jacks the whole 5 minutes. Sometimes i will rotate with a minute of walking or running in place as long as it adds up to the 5 minutes.
We are now at the third 5 minute session set the stopwatch and get the jump rope.
Jumping rope for 5 minutes
You can jump rope anyway you want.
Last but not least is the cool down set your stopwatch for 5 minutes. You can cool down by stand straight with legs shoulder length apart take a deep breath as you bend over and exhale slowly as you straighten out. Another one i like to do is just bend over and hang my arms down for 1 minute, i rotate these cool downs. But you may cool down any way you want. That's 20 minutes of a fun indoor workout.
The windmill is another good exercise to add to step 2.
Start out slowly and work your way up.
Here we go to the second part of the workout, don't forget to use a stopwatch. You will be doing my favorite of all times jumping jacks the whole 5 minutes. Sometimes i will rotate with a minute of walking or running in place as long as it adds up to the 5 minutes.
We are now at the third 5 minute session set the stopwatch and get the jump rope.
Jumping rope for 5 minutes
You can jump rope anyway you want.
Last but not least is the cool down set your stopwatch for 5 minutes. You can cool down by stand straight with legs shoulder length apart take a deep breath as you bend over and exhale slowly as you straighten out. Another one i like to do is just bend over and hang my arms down for 1 minute, i rotate these cool downs. But you may cool down any way you want. That's 20 minutes of a fun indoor workout.
The windmill is another good exercise to add to step 2.
Start out slowly and work your way up.
Simple Ways to Workout with or Without Your Baby
It's all fun and games when you're pregnant. Every time you go to the doctor's office the first thing they do is get you on that scale. You see the numbers getting higher. Three pounds one week, five the next, hey your pregnant, what's a few extra pounds. You and your husband laugh. "Ohhh Baby, you're getting big," he says with a smile.
Why should it be any different? You are having a baby. You are allowed to gain a little extra weight, just as long as you're not gaining like crazy or have diabetes. It's okay; hey how often are you pregnant? Well, maybe you don't want to answer that.
So you're pregnant and you're gaining weight, then one day it happens. The little miracle living inside of you decided to make their grand entrance. You laugh, you cry, you lose sleep, then you get a routine together and you are ready to live a normal life again. (If that's possible.) All of your maternity clothes go into the storage box and out come your regular clothes. You try them on and...wait a second. Oh no! They don't fit!
One of the hardest things you will face after having a baby is struggling with losing the baby weight. For some, it's easy but for others it is a struggle. Here are some quick tips to follow when losing the weight. Remember, get a doctor's approval first.
Walking, If the weather's nice, bring that baby out to see the trees, the colors, the houses. Fresh air is great for babies. My daughter was amazed when we walked under a tree. Her head would turn back and watch the leaves go over hear head. Pushing a stroller is better than just walking alone. If you have a jogging stroller, you may want to decide to start a jogging plan. Just start off small. Running for one min then walking for two is a nice start.
Walking is great, however if you're like me and you live in the north, it's not the best time to walk outside. I joined a gym that offers child care. You need to wait at least 6 months for this one because most gyms will not take babies younger. It's wonderful to get a break and focus on exercising. The gym I belong to has a large window in the workout room so you can see your baby while you workout just in case you're you worry.
Maybe you live in the north, and your baby isn't old enough to go to the gym. Don't worry, you can still work out. There are a couple of great workout DVDs geared towards mothers. One I love is called FitMama. I got it a Babies R Us. There are a couple of different 10 minute segments so you can get a short workout in before you need to tend to the baby. Maybe when the baby quiets down again, you can do another one. You can do abs with the baby on your legs! You can do push-ups with your baby under you. They get a kiss when you come down each rep. It's a cute workout.
Another great thing to do is take a dance class in the evenings when your husband can watch the baby. Whatever you do the point is to get out there and get active! Good luck!
Why should it be any different? You are having a baby. You are allowed to gain a little extra weight, just as long as you're not gaining like crazy or have diabetes. It's okay; hey how often are you pregnant? Well, maybe you don't want to answer that.
So you're pregnant and you're gaining weight, then one day it happens. The little miracle living inside of you decided to make their grand entrance. You laugh, you cry, you lose sleep, then you get a routine together and you are ready to live a normal life again. (If that's possible.) All of your maternity clothes go into the storage box and out come your regular clothes. You try them on and...wait a second. Oh no! They don't fit!
One of the hardest things you will face after having a baby is struggling with losing the baby weight. For some, it's easy but for others it is a struggle. Here are some quick tips to follow when losing the weight. Remember, get a doctor's approval first.
Walking, If the weather's nice, bring that baby out to see the trees, the colors, the houses. Fresh air is great for babies. My daughter was amazed when we walked under a tree. Her head would turn back and watch the leaves go over hear head. Pushing a stroller is better than just walking alone. If you have a jogging stroller, you may want to decide to start a jogging plan. Just start off small. Running for one min then walking for two is a nice start.
Walking is great, however if you're like me and you live in the north, it's not the best time to walk outside. I joined a gym that offers child care. You need to wait at least 6 months for this one because most gyms will not take babies younger. It's wonderful to get a break and focus on exercising. The gym I belong to has a large window in the workout room so you can see your baby while you workout just in case you're you worry.
Maybe you live in the north, and your baby isn't old enough to go to the gym. Don't worry, you can still work out. There are a couple of great workout DVDs geared towards mothers. One I love is called FitMama. I got it a Babies R Us. There are a couple of different 10 minute segments so you can get a short workout in before you need to tend to the baby. Maybe when the baby quiets down again, you can do another one. You can do abs with the baby on your legs! You can do push-ups with your baby under you. They get a kiss when you come down each rep. It's a cute workout.
Another great thing to do is take a dance class in the evenings when your husband can watch the baby. Whatever you do the point is to get out there and get active! Good luck!
Productive Workout
I cannot recall on how many people ask me if they have had a successful and productive workout in the gym. There are quite a few incidents where people find themselves in the position that they have no idea how to judge themselves regarding if their workout was a success.
For example, I have seen people countless times who come in the gym every week; and the one thing that stands out is one week they go from 60 pounds on a curling bar to a mere 40 pounds, but they are so eager to build muscle that they would essentially come back a day or two later and falter to reach maximum potential.
First of all, the best way to tell if you had a good muscle building workout is to compare the weight or load that you did this week compared to previous ones. By this, if you are able to increase the weight, you are getting stronger and therefore building lean muscle.
Since strength and muscle are correlated together. Now if you fail to reach heavier loads, you have either fallen into the trap of overtraining your muscles and they cannot use the heavy weights due to not being fully recovered. Or your diet and your nutrition fail to meet the needs of supporting the stress you are putting on your muscles.
Simply put, overtraining is when you are working your muscles too hard by attempting to progress further to your goals and your muscles cannot repair quick enough to meet your needs. The end result in continuously overloading your muscles day after day with the same muscles before they can rejuvenate is an utter mistake. The end result of doing this is neither absolutely no mass gains nor progress in gaining strength.
Some people may ask if they are over training or not. Well, the basic symptoms include failing to increase your progression, feeling worn out and tired, relying on substances such as caffeine to get through the workouts, working out feels like more of a chore than something that you enjoy doing, or your weight limits seem to continue to fall down the ladder or fail to increase in poundages.
One of the most important variables most people fail to achieve is using the right fuel that will enable your muscles to work harder and create a bigger and better pump. The answer is sugar. Yes sugar, as you may question how that is possible if you are trying to get lean and not put on body fat.
Since weight lifting builds muscle, the more muscle mass that you have the more calories your body will require every day even when at complete rest. Since our bodies are fat burners at night, we do not burn up tremendous calories sitting around infront of the big screen television or computer screen; then the fuel source for the resting body will by overwhelmed from fat. Therefore, if you add lean muscle mass to your physique, you will need more and more calories to burn fat as the fat is the main source of fuel at rest.
For example, I have seen people countless times who come in the gym every week; and the one thing that stands out is one week they go from 60 pounds on a curling bar to a mere 40 pounds, but they are so eager to build muscle that they would essentially come back a day or two later and falter to reach maximum potential.
First of all, the best way to tell if you had a good muscle building workout is to compare the weight or load that you did this week compared to previous ones. By this, if you are able to increase the weight, you are getting stronger and therefore building lean muscle.
Since strength and muscle are correlated together. Now if you fail to reach heavier loads, you have either fallen into the trap of overtraining your muscles and they cannot use the heavy weights due to not being fully recovered. Or your diet and your nutrition fail to meet the needs of supporting the stress you are putting on your muscles.
Simply put, overtraining is when you are working your muscles too hard by attempting to progress further to your goals and your muscles cannot repair quick enough to meet your needs. The end result in continuously overloading your muscles day after day with the same muscles before they can rejuvenate is an utter mistake. The end result of doing this is neither absolutely no mass gains nor progress in gaining strength.
Some people may ask if they are over training or not. Well, the basic symptoms include failing to increase your progression, feeling worn out and tired, relying on substances such as caffeine to get through the workouts, working out feels like more of a chore than something that you enjoy doing, or your weight limits seem to continue to fall down the ladder or fail to increase in poundages.
One of the most important variables most people fail to achieve is using the right fuel that will enable your muscles to work harder and create a bigger and better pump. The answer is sugar. Yes sugar, as you may question how that is possible if you are trying to get lean and not put on body fat.
Since weight lifting builds muscle, the more muscle mass that you have the more calories your body will require every day even when at complete rest. Since our bodies are fat burners at night, we do not burn up tremendous calories sitting around infront of the big screen television or computer screen; then the fuel source for the resting body will by overwhelmed from fat. Therefore, if you add lean muscle mass to your physique, you will need more and more calories to burn fat as the fat is the main source of fuel at rest.
Workout with the Ab Wheel
Even if you don't know what it's called I'm sure you know of the Ab Wheel. It's that weird little thing that is made up of nothing more than a wheel and a stick through the middle of it. This easy little device offers one of the most challenging workouts of any fitness equipment out there.
It has been marketed to build your abs, which it does, but it also builds and conditions your shoulders, back, and both your arms and forearms. One could achieve great upper body muscle tone with the Ab Wheel.
The Ab Wheel would make a great fitness gift for either a birthday or Christmas. You can find the Ab wheel at sporting goods stores and even large superstores like Target or Wal-Mart. If you like to shop from home you can also find it from such sites as Amazon and E-bay.
The Ab Wheel is a great value Christmas gift that you can easily find for under $10. The only down side to the Ab Wheel is that the exercise is so intense that most people stop using it. If you have a motivated fitness minded person on your gift list then the Ab Wheel should get plenty of use.
If the person you are buying for is more of the type who is looking for the easy and magical fitness shortcuts then the Ab Wheel will be used once then thrown under the bed never to be used again
How to use the Ab Wheel:
With both hands grab the Ab Wheel by the handles on each side.
Get on your knees and roll the Ab Wheel forward until you are extended all the way out.
Now roll the Ab Wheel back to the starting position.
That's all there is to the Ab Wheel workout. I recommend doing as many as you can in one set every other day. Once you feel you have mastered this Ab Wheel workout you can take it to the next level and move on to the advanced Ab Wheel workout.
Advanced Ab Wheel Workout:
With both hands grab the Ab Wheel by the handles on each side.
While standing bend over and place the Ab Wheel on the ground.
Now roll the Ab Wheel forward until your body is extended with your hands out in front of you.
Now roll the Ab Wheel back to the starting position.
Repeat this process with the Ab wheel until you can no longer do any more.
The Ab Wheel is a great functional workout that has your body muscles work together. After a solid month of using the Ab Wheel you will find simple everyday tasks to be much easier and you will notice muscle definition starting to form throughout your upper body.
You do get a ton of physical value from the Ab Wheel since you get a very good upper body workout from a single grueling set that will only take a few minutes to complete. I'm not claiming that you will become Mr. Universe simply from using the Ab Wheel, but the Ab Wheel will definitely have an impact on the way your body performs and looks.
It has been marketed to build your abs, which it does, but it also builds and conditions your shoulders, back, and both your arms and forearms. One could achieve great upper body muscle tone with the Ab Wheel.
The Ab Wheel would make a great fitness gift for either a birthday or Christmas. You can find the Ab wheel at sporting goods stores and even large superstores like Target or Wal-Mart. If you like to shop from home you can also find it from such sites as Amazon and E-bay.
The Ab Wheel is a great value Christmas gift that you can easily find for under $10. The only down side to the Ab Wheel is that the exercise is so intense that most people stop using it. If you have a motivated fitness minded person on your gift list then the Ab Wheel should get plenty of use.
If the person you are buying for is more of the type who is looking for the easy and magical fitness shortcuts then the Ab Wheel will be used once then thrown under the bed never to be used again
How to use the Ab Wheel:
With both hands grab the Ab Wheel by the handles on each side.
Get on your knees and roll the Ab Wheel forward until you are extended all the way out.
Now roll the Ab Wheel back to the starting position.
That's all there is to the Ab Wheel workout. I recommend doing as many as you can in one set every other day. Once you feel you have mastered this Ab Wheel workout you can take it to the next level and move on to the advanced Ab Wheel workout.
Advanced Ab Wheel Workout:
With both hands grab the Ab Wheel by the handles on each side.
While standing bend over and place the Ab Wheel on the ground.
Now roll the Ab Wheel forward until your body is extended with your hands out in front of you.
Now roll the Ab Wheel back to the starting position.
Repeat this process with the Ab wheel until you can no longer do any more.
The Ab Wheel is a great functional workout that has your body muscles work together. After a solid month of using the Ab Wheel you will find simple everyday tasks to be much easier and you will notice muscle definition starting to form throughout your upper body.
You do get a ton of physical value from the Ab Wheel since you get a very good upper body workout from a single grueling set that will only take a few minutes to complete. I'm not claiming that you will become Mr. Universe simply from using the Ab Wheel, but the Ab Wheel will definitely have an impact on the way your body performs and looks.
Main exercises for proper workout
Main exercises (15 min.)
All exercises in this routing are performed one after another without break in between for a full minute each set. Once you finished all sets - repeat.
1. Standing position. Perform 3 squats then lunge forward with your right leg, bounce (3 times) up and down, step back to return. Repeat (starting with 3 squats) with a left leg.
2. Push-ups. Five different widths of hand positions - five push-ups each
Put one palm on a top of another (5 push-ups); palms next to each other; then shoulder width push-ups; a little bit wider; and fifth is the widest you can push-up with. Repeat until minute is up.
3. Crunches with legs raises. Ten crunches; ten repetition of straight legs raise up to the ceiling and then bring them straight up to lift the hip off the floor.
4. Leg swings (over the chair), imaging a tall back of a chair in front of your then swing your right straight leg over it. Make wide circles try to raise leg higher. Do one leg for a one minute then switch the leg.
5. Superman fly. Lay down on your stomach, straight hands in front of you. Raise straight hands and legs up toward the ceiling (at the same time) hold it for a few seconds, then get down and repeat.
6. Plank.
Remember to perform each exercise for a whole minute without breaks between sets. After "plank" get back to squats, continue it for 15 minutes.
Cool down (2-3 min.)
Congratulations, the hardest part is over, relax now and use the warmth of your muscles to stretch and cool down.
This routing will provide a whole body workout in a short 20 minutes period. Switching the exercise to the different groups of muscles allows cutting the time on breaks, thus making it more intense but without overloading. If you are in a good physical shape you may consider making the exercises more intense by wearing an ankle weights and holding dumbbells during the lunges.
All exercises in this routing are performed one after another without break in between for a full minute each set. Once you finished all sets - repeat.
1. Standing position. Perform 3 squats then lunge forward with your right leg, bounce (3 times) up and down, step back to return. Repeat (starting with 3 squats) with a left leg.
2. Push-ups. Five different widths of hand positions - five push-ups each
Put one palm on a top of another (5 push-ups); palms next to each other; then shoulder width push-ups; a little bit wider; and fifth is the widest you can push-up with. Repeat until minute is up.
3. Crunches with legs raises. Ten crunches; ten repetition of straight legs raise up to the ceiling and then bring them straight up to lift the hip off the floor.
4. Leg swings (over the chair), imaging a tall back of a chair in front of your then swing your right straight leg over it. Make wide circles try to raise leg higher. Do one leg for a one minute then switch the leg.
5. Superman fly. Lay down on your stomach, straight hands in front of you. Raise straight hands and legs up toward the ceiling (at the same time) hold it for a few seconds, then get down and repeat.
6. Plank.
Remember to perform each exercise for a whole minute without breaks between sets. After "plank" get back to squats, continue it for 15 minutes.
Cool down (2-3 min.)
Congratulations, the hardest part is over, relax now and use the warmth of your muscles to stretch and cool down.
This routing will provide a whole body workout in a short 20 minutes period. Switching the exercise to the different groups of muscles allows cutting the time on breaks, thus making it more intense but without overloading. If you are in a good physical shape you may consider making the exercises more intense by wearing an ankle weights and holding dumbbells during the lunges.
Get in Shape Fast
Everybody knows the importance of the health benefits that regular workout can offer, yet modern busy lifestyle provides so many excuses to put off exercises until indefinite future. It is always something: you have a gym membership but the gym is always packed or located far away; you could be running in a park but the weather is not suitable for your running outfit; and the last resort - indoor exercises - are not as effective.
Well, let us take a closer look at the latter myth. Indoor exercises are very effective, inexpensive, time-efficient workouts that everyone can and should include into their active life style.
Before we go over a detailed 20 minutes indoor exercise routing, let's reemphasize the pros of the indoor workout:
Any exercise is as effective as you are and the effort you are putting in. The spinning machine, free weights or any cutting edge gym equipment will not make you any stronger, faster or healthier - you are the one who have to do the exercise. If you are determined, 5X5 ft clear area in the middle of the room is enough to make you sweat and your heart pumping.
Investing in a pair of dumbbells or a set of elastic bands will be beneficial but is not necessary - performing the exercises with your body weight and the gravity is extremely effective.
Well, no commute time, no waiting until rowing machine becomes available - nothing can beat that.
The following exercise routing targets the whole body in a compressed period of time.
Warm-up (2-3 min)
Always warm up before performing any exercises. Depending on how loud you allowed to get - it could be running in place, brisk walk or knee hugs (standing position, raise one knee to your chest, pull it closer with both arms and hold for a few seconds; alternate knees). Rotate all major joints (one at a time): neck, wrists, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees, ankles.
Well, let us take a closer look at the latter myth. Indoor exercises are very effective, inexpensive, time-efficient workouts that everyone can and should include into their active life style.
Before we go over a detailed 20 minutes indoor exercise routing, let's reemphasize the pros of the indoor workout:
Any exercise is as effective as you are and the effort you are putting in. The spinning machine, free weights or any cutting edge gym equipment will not make you any stronger, faster or healthier - you are the one who have to do the exercise. If you are determined, 5X5 ft clear area in the middle of the room is enough to make you sweat and your heart pumping.
Investing in a pair of dumbbells or a set of elastic bands will be beneficial but is not necessary - performing the exercises with your body weight and the gravity is extremely effective.
Well, no commute time, no waiting until rowing machine becomes available - nothing can beat that.
The following exercise routing targets the whole body in a compressed period of time.
Warm-up (2-3 min)
Always warm up before performing any exercises. Depending on how loud you allowed to get - it could be running in place, brisk walk or knee hugs (standing position, raise one knee to your chest, pull it closer with both arms and hold for a few seconds; alternate knees). Rotate all major joints (one at a time): neck, wrists, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees, ankles.
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